LifeSpan TR1200-DT5 Treadmill Desk

A large percentage of Americans don’t exercise enough because of jobs that require sitting down all day. If you have your own office, you should take advantage of that freedom. Making your office a place that exudes productivity is a sure way of making the most of your time.

Splitting time between sitting and walking is great for your health. If you combine the two you would be maximizing your productivity. Thankfully, LifeSpan has developed a Treadmill Desk that allows you to walk and type at the same time.

Below is a review on the LifeSpan TR1200-DT5 Treadmill Desk.

About The Product

Incorporating exercise to your work life becomes possible with the LifeSpan Treadmill Desk. You can easily set up the treadmill in your office without bothering any of your coworkers. Talking on the phone or typing on your laptop while working out has never become easier.

LifeSpan TR1200-DT5 Treadmill Desk


  • Treadmill measurement: 68.5" x 29"
  • Desktop measurement: 38" x 29"
  • Maximum weight: 300 lbs
  • Speed range: .4 - 4 miles per hour
  • Intelli-guard feature stops the machine when you aren’t moving
  • Intelli-step counts AND displays your steps
  • Low step-up height: 5 inches

You may have second thoughts about placing a treadmill in your office, but LifeSpan designed the treadmill for that purpose. Even transporting it to your office isn’t a huge endeavor. The treadmill comes with two transport wheels for effortless mobility.

Now that transporting the treadmill to your office isn’t a big deal, using it in the office is even easier. When you go to a gym, treadmills are normally the machines making the most noise. LifeSpan designed this treadmill so your surrounding coworkers don’t even hear you exercising.

The indistinct 2.25 HP motor combined with the six compression shocks allow you to respect your coworkers while staying fit. You’ll be positively affecting office productivity and inspire the rest of the office to buy a LifeSpan treadmill.

You may be wondering what is the point of the compression shocks? The six compression shocks decrease impact to sensitive areas of your body. While you walk, the machine won’t negatively impact your knees, back, feet, and hips.

Keep in mind that the treadmill isn’t meant to go at high speeds. The speed range of the Lifespan Treadmill ranges from .4- 4 miles per hour. This is the optimal speed for power walking and completing basic work tasks on your laptop.

Additional Features

The LifeSpan Treadmill Desk will smoothly fit into your office. The grey stainless steel design of the desk complements the rest of your office decor. The spacious desktop provides sufficient working space to place both your laptop and additional office supplies.

LifeSpan designed the treadmill with productivity in mind. At the center of the armrest is the five button console that gives you total control of the treadmill. This promotes a office without distractions, which will force you to finish work. The armrest works with your joints to prevent arthritis that develops while you type.

LifeSpan TR1200-DT5 Treadmill Desk

LifeSpan is dedicated to elevating your technological experience with the treadmill. The Intelli-Step technology keeps track of every step taken so you can stay on track with your health. Also integrated is the Intelli-Guard function. This feature assures that the treadmill only functions when you are active on it. This promotes a safe workspace.

On top of staying safe, the LifeSpan Treadmill Desk comes with a Bluetooth feature. The feature allows you to keep track of your walking progress on your smartphone. Say goodbye to keeping workout sheets to stay on top of your exercising.

All you have to do is hover your smartphone over the desk’s console to sync the data. There are no extra payments necessary in order to use this feature. To make use of this feature you have to download the app called Active Trac and you are good to go.

Insider Thoughts

Based on positive reviews, the LifeSpan Treadmill Desk becomes a staple office item. You’ll be wondering to yourself as to why didn’t you make this upgrade earlier.

LifeSpan made the Treadmill Desk extremely user friendly to promote exercising while doing work. The treadmill already comes pre assembled so all you have to do is take it out of the box. Assembling the desk section of the treadmill involves five pieces that takes under 30 minutes to complete. Adjusting the treadmill to the specific height you want only takes seconds.

Buyers rave about the treadmill’s controls since they are unobtrusive and easy to use. Users even have their children use the LifeSpan Treadmill since it is that simple to operate. Pretty soon you’ll have the entire family or office wanting to use your treadmill.

One downside to the treadmill is that it doesn’t remember your preferred speed settings. Every time you step on the machine you have to manually adjust it to your desired speed.

Buyer Advice

Before ordering the treadmill online, make sure the seller is a certified LifeSpan seller. There are knockoffs of this product since it is gaining in popularity.

LifeSpan Treadmill

A reliable website to buy the LifeSpan Treadmill Desk is Amazon. On Amazon you can read verified buyer reviews that can help make your decision on whether or not you want to buy the machine.

Price & Warranty

For under $1200, you would be buying a treadmill that will be a long term investment. LifeSpan offers a lifetime warranty on the Treadmill Desk. The motor is backed with a three-year warranty, while the parts come with a two-year warranty.

My Verdict

If you want to subtly incorporate exercising while you work, buying the LifeSpan Treadmill desk is your solution. I would highly recommend making the treadmill desk a part of your office decor.

So many gadgets on the market nowadays promote less and less movement. In fact, the body part that gets the most exercise is your hands due to all the typing. Moving your legs while you complete office work promotes a healthy lifestyle people pay thousands of dollars a year to achieve.

You’ll forget about applying for a gym membership when you have a high-quality LifeSpan Treadmill Desk at the office.

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