When you are looking to buy a treadmill, don’t buy go for the model found at your local gym. Commercial treadmills are made at a different caliber than in-home ones. In fact, commercial treadmills make more noise and weigh more than an in-home one.
Before buying an in-home treadmill, make a note of your allotted gym space. If you have limited space, buying a treadmill that easily folds is a priority. On top of having convenient folding mechanisms, an in-home treadmill shouldn’t weigh much. In fact, one person should be able to assemble and move it.
Sunny Health has been around for over a decade. The company has gradually gained a solid reputation amongst the fitness community. Sunny Health makes it their goal to sell high-quality treadmills for low prices.
Below is an in-depth review on the Sunny Health SF-T7603 Electric Treadmill.
About The Product
If you’re looking to maximize your time and efficiency, the Sunny Health Electric Treadmill is the fitness machine for you. Sunny Health is known for its basic treadmills that are affordable and high-quality.
- Nine preloaded workout programs
- Three varying incline levels
- Simple Folding Mechanism
- Handrail Controls
- Holds up to 220 pounds
For those who don’t require a fancy treadmill, the Sunny Health Treadmill is as simple as you can get.
The Sunny Health Electric Treadmill is ultra-mobile and ultra-efficient. A runner of any level will enjoy the time they have on the machine. The treadmill comes with a 2.2 HP motor. This is a lower level motor than your typical gym treadmill. Sunny Health doesn’t make products for professional settings but for residential ones. A 2.2 HP motor works just fine for an in-home gym.
Sunny Health makes sure to provide the user with enough options. More options means you can personalize the treadmill to suit your fitness requirements. For instance, you have three adjustable incline levels that tailor to your desired running experience. The various incline levels change the intensity of your workouts.
The Sunny Health Treadmill comes with nine preloaded workout programs. If you already follow a rigorous workout, you don’t need the help of a machine to tell you what workouts to complete. A basic treadmill is all you require. The programs the Sunny Health Treadmill come with are sufficient to satisfy a runner of any level.
Treadmills tend to be heavy, which makes storage an issue. The Sunny Health Treadmill comes with a folding mechanism that makes folding the treadmill possible in a matter of seconds. Included is a Soft Drop System that helps unfold the treadmill safely and in a timely fashion. Not all treadmills have a Soft Drop System incorporated in their design. This feature is particular to the Sunny Health Electric Treadmill.
Since the Sunny Health Treadmill is so portable, is it just as easy to set it up? Buyers state that it takes about 30 minutes to set up the entire treadmill, which is rare. Treadmills normally take a couple of hours to properly setup. For a hassle free setup, a Sunny Health Treadmill is your prime option.
The only issue with buying a lightweight treadmill is the weight limitation. Ultra-light treadmills have a lower threshold of weight hey can carry. The treadmill withstands a weight of up to 220 pounds, which is low compared to competing treadmills.
Noteworthy Features
Additional features rack up the price of a treadmill, but this is not the case with the Sunny Health Treadmill.
The Sunny Health Treadmill comes with a premium LCD monitor. This monitor displays general information you may need after a workout session. Such information covers time, distance, calories burned, and speed. Keeping track of this data ensures you get the fitness results you desire in a certain timeframe.
Handrail controls often go unnoticed on a treadmill, but this is a mistake on the user's part. Sunny Health incorporated handrail controls to their Treadmill to ensure ultimate convenience. The controls allow you to start, stop, and adjust speeds at the press of a button. There are heart rate pulse sensors located on the handrails as well. The handrails act as a gateway to provide you the information you need to improve your workouts.
Insider Thoughts
As far as in home treadmills go, the Sunny Health Electric Treadmill is the best entry-level option for you. For the features it comes with, people are surprised to hear the treadmill’s price.
For under $350, this treadmill can be the start to your in-home gym. Gym memberships cost more than $350 a year, so imagine the money you will save.
Buyers were predominantly satisfied with the low sound emitted from the treadmill itself. After certain speeds, treadmills tend to make loud noises. The Sunny Health Treadmill stays consistently quiet. This makes watching TV while simultaneously running a relaxing experience.
One feature buyers complained about was the heart rate monitor located on the handrails. The monitor isn’t accurate with its readings. Inaccurate readings cause issues if you need to keep adequate track of your health progress.
Buyer Advice
The Sunny Health SF-T7603 Electric Treadmill will be an ideal addition to your in-home gym.
Many retailers sell Sunny Health products, which is why it's important to compare prices before ordering. A verified seller that won’t upsell the product is Amazon.
You can make the Sunny Health Treadmill yours for under $350. Treadmills normally cost at least $1000, so the price for this treadmill is a great deal. Amazon also offers free shipping, so you’ll be saving money when you order via this online retailer.
Amazon also offers expert assembly service for an extra $80 more. The product is so easy to setup you won’t need to pay extra money for expert assembly service. As long as you follow the directions, you can use the treadmill within minutes of opening the package.
My Verdict
Treadmills are a staple gym machine. Nowadays, in-home gyms are becoming a trend. A great way to start your in-home gym for a low price is buying a Sunny Health Treadmill.
For the individual who doesn’t require much from their treadmill, the Sunny Health Treadmill is the go-to entry level gym machine.